Padam is part of the South Indian dance form, bharata nātyam. The genre is one of the oldest in the Karṇātak paddhati and is also a concert piece without dance. As a concert vocal piece, padam is usually faster than in the context of dance.
Some aspects of the dance performance remain particularly the repeated lines of text that emphasize the longing of a woman for her lover. The original purpose of the repeats is to allow the dancer time to elaborate and illustrate the text with her dance.
The meaning of the texts of padam — as in many South Asian vocal genres — can be interpreted on two levels. The surface level interpretation has a the mortal orientation: the woman is a real woman with human desires and emotions and the man is flirtatious and uninterested a serious lasting realtionship. The other interpretation — a metaphysical interpretation — has the woman as mortal, but her interests are not carnal. Rather, she expresses a human longing to understand the supernatural and the beatific.

Selected Performance

Padam: "Ini yenna paiccirukkudu pōm pōm . . . "; composed by Subbarama Ayyar (fl. 1850) in rāga Śahāna and tāḷa Rūpaka and with a text in Tamil. Performed here by Ramnad Krishnan (voice), V. Thyagarajan (violin), T. Ranganathan (mrdangam), V. Nagarajan (kañjīra), and P. Srinivasan (tambūra) on Ramnad Krishnan Kaccheri: A Concert of South Indian Classical Music (Nonsuch Records Explorer Series H-72040).
Ini yenna pēccu dukkidu? What is the use of talking?
Pōm, pōm. Go away, go away.
Ellōrkkum nagaippāccudu. Everyone is making fun of me.
Taniye vaittiṅgē vārādirundadōr. . . You deserted me and never came back . . .
Tappidam pōdado muttaiyya vēlarē? Is that not a great enough mistake?
Ini yenna. . . What is the use . . .
Manadirk-kicainda paḍi yāccē maṭṭumīri pōccē, You have done what ever you pleased, and it has gone much too far.
Kusuma kuntala Vaḷḷi maṇāḷanō, O husband of Vaḷḷi, who has beautiful flowers in her hair,
Subbarāman tamirkkicaina lolarē, O you who sway to the Tamil songs of Subbarāma,
Ini Yenna . . . . What is the use . . . .
Caturaśra Rūpaka Tāḷa: O |4
Rāga Śahāna

Performance Organization
00:00 ālāpana
03:46 — violin ālāpana
06:28 pallavi
07:28 anupallavi
08:33 caranam
10:05 ends

  Compare with this performance of the same composition by Subbhalasmi Parthasarathy.

Tāna Varnam Outline Jāvalī
22 February, 2018